電影類型 Movie Genres

動作 action
冒險 adventure
動畫 animation
傳記 biography
喜劇 comedy
記錄 documentary
劇情 drama
奇幻 fantasy
驚悚 horror/ thriller
懸疑 mystery
浪漫 romance
科幻 sci-fi
戰爭 war

經典電影元素 Popular Sub-genres

外星人入侵 alien invasion 
災難 disaster 
史詩 epic
鬧劇 farce
功夫 kung fu
模仿/ 惡搞 parody
諷刺 satire
連環殺手 serial killer
靈異 supernatural
超級英雄 superhero
時空穿越 time travel
虛擬 virtual reality
殭屍 zombie

系列電影 Movie Series

前傳 prequel
續集 sequel
三部曲 trilogy
系列電影 movie series/ saga

​*注意prequel或是sequel 的用法,後面是接”to”!

其它 Other Vocabularies and Terms 

starring 演出/ 飾演 
remake 翻拍
based on true story  改編自真人真事
award-winning 得獎
nomination 提名
*Academy Award 也稱 the Oscars
flashback 倒敘(手法) 


Angeline Leo is an experienced linguist. She is constantly working for national and international conferences, lectures and meetings. During the work, she often sits in a soundproof booth listening to the speaker through headphones, and interprets speeches from English into Chinese simultaneously.

Angelina Leo often volunteer for public service interpreting. She interprets for non-profit organizations in public including legal, health and local government issues.

Angelina Leo has broad knowledge of both American and Chinese culture, and works hard to foster a rewarding, supportive, and enjoyable community for English - Chinese interpreters in the entertainment industry.  

Angelina Leo spends her spare time working on this glossary for the entertainment industry. She hopes that her contributions would benefit people in the entertainment industry, especially in co-finance, co-production, and distribution.

Please feel free to share this page and citing Angelina Leo’s credit is highly appreciated.

Glossary - English & Chinese